
eightolives' Schematic Quick Hints

Eightolives Schematic is tested using Firefox, Safari and Chrome browsers.

All actions only use left mouse clicks or touches.

Use the + and - buttons in the left column to zoom

The green ESC button terminates the current state or operation returing to "idle state".

To undo an operation, click the UN button. To redo an operation, click the RE button. (Not all operations are undoable.)

Clicking or touching unused schematic area will close any open menus.

You select a component by clicking or touching it (in its select box area). Its red select box will appear. Use menu item Pref > Show Select Areas to display all select box areas. A second click will display options for that item.

To load an example:

Design > Open Project - select the eo Demos service then select a project
Design > Open Project File - select the .sho or .sch file to open then click the Open button

A typical recommended design check sequence is:

Design > Fix Refdes - this automatically assigns refernce designators in most cases
Design > Update Nets - this updates net segment names and draws junction symbols
Design > Check Design - this creates a summary of errors and warnings

To place a library component:

Click the Component button or menu item Comp > Component Selector
Select a library
Select a Symbol
Click on the schematic where you want to place the symbol.

To move a component:

Select the component.
Use the left, right, up or down arrow buttons below the top menu to make small movements.
or click the MV button and then then click on the schematic where you want the component to be.

To add a net connection:

Click or touch a pin (small red circle) to get the Pin Menu
Click Add a Net to start drawing.
Click at a place horizontal or vertical from the pin to draw a net segment.
Continue ading segments until finished
Click the ESC button to terminate

You can also connect a signal to a pin using a net stub:

Select the component then click again to get its popup options.
Click the Add Net Stub to Pin... option.
Select the pin to which the stub should be added. Click OK and the stub will appear.
Select the component then click again to get its popup options.
Click the Edit Pins option.
Specify the Connected Signal name for the pin with the stub and click OK.

To save your design to Local Project (your browser's cache):

Design > Open Project - select the LOCAL service (which only supports Local Project)
Design > Save Project - this saves your schematic and symbols to LOCAL cache. A .sho, "OneFile", file is also created and saved.

To save your design to your computer's file system (if available):

Design > Save As OneFile which consolidates symbols and schematic sheets in a single file.
Design > Save Sheet (FS) for each sheet of your design.
For each non-library symbol that you created, select the symbol then click again to get its popup options. Then click the Save Symbol (FS) option.

To save your design to an external project server that is properly configured for this service:

Design > Open Project - select ProjectURL
Enter its URL and then click Select. You may be prompted for login information.
Design > Open Project - select the desired project
Design > Save Project - this saves your schematic and symbols to the project
See separate notes on configuring a server.

To create a design simulatable by WaveformViewer, design using components from the eightolives' Simulation library. If you use other components, you can create a simulatable template model of the component by clicking the component twice to get its popup menu and then selecting Report Sim Template. The model in the Report window can be saved. The empty "execute" function in the template would need to have code added if functionality is required.

To create a simulatable model of the schematic, select Design > Generate Netlist. Select "HW Model" and then click the Generate button. You can also create the schematic model and start WaveformViewer by selecting Design > View Waveforms.

To load a gEDA symbol from your computer, select Design > Open File (FS). Navigate to the gEDA symbol libraries (on Linux /usr/share/sym). Find the approriate sub-directory and select the desired .sym file and OPEN. Click on the schematic sheet to place the symbol.

To load a KiCad symbol from your computer, select Design > Open File (FS). Navigate to the KiCad symbol libraries (on Linux /usr/share/kicad/symbols). Select the desired library .kicad_sym file and OPEN. Click the Component Select button and select the library from the Select a Libray drop-down selector. Then select a part from the Select a Symbol window and click the Select button. Click on the schematic sheet to place the symbol.

If you download a symbol from a vendor that supplies Ultra Librarian symbols, choose CAD Format as KiCad and follow the loading procedure for KiCad symbols just presented.

To load a vendor's .bxl symbol, use Ultra Librarian Binary Reader. Import the .bxl file and then export it with "XML Library Export" selected. The exported data is stored in the "UltraLibrarian\Library\Exported" directory as an .xml file with a date stamp filename. You can open this .xml file in Schematic.