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eightolives Connect Me

Connect Me lets you access your computer using your Internet IP address. You will see what a person on the Internet would see. If you have a modem or firewall, you may see the modem's interface or nothing depending on firewall settings.

Microserver Links

Connect to my Internet address. - What an external person sees on port 80.

Connect to my secure eightolives Microserver. What an external person sees on port 8081.

Connect to my unsecure eightolives Microserver. What an external person sees on port 8080.

Internally connect to my unsecure eightolives Microservers. What you see on your port 8080.

USB Interface Pod Server Links

Connect to my unsecure eightolives USBIP Server. What an external person sees on port 8082.

Internally connect to my unsecure eightolives USBIP Server. What ypu see on your port 8082.

Connect to my secure USBIP Remote Control. What an external person sees on port 8083.

Local Wifi Network Links

Connect to your local Wifi router. Typical wifi router home.